A list of online jobs you can do to pay for your student weekends

Top 10 Online Jobs for Students to Pay for The Weekend

Did You Know? – Over a thousand people in the USA every day, search the words, “top 10 online jobs for students” and “work-from-home jobs for students”. Search Engines have ranked these search key phrases as the top 20 of the lists! If this interests you, then you may be interested in being a part-time Search Engine Evaluator as mentioned below in top online jobs #4, jobs that can help you earn while you study.

Online Jobs for Students– The Need of The Hour and A Golden Opportunity

A lot has changed since the 2019 pandemic, wherein millions of people worldwide lost their desk jobs. Since 2019, the world has shifted to a remote working and cloud-based operations protocol, where anyone with a laptop, smartphone, and Wi-Fi connection can earn big. The sky is the limit, with your imagination as the fuel and your ability to find the perfect online job as the sole barrier! 

The online world has become a job seeker’s paradise with a wide range of assignments available to willing students on a part-time basis. Due to the vast number of choices available, students may often get confused about which job will suit them the most and how to find the highest-paying online job for students. Continue reading to find all the answers to your questions and to know more about the top 10 online jobs for students to pay for the weekend. 

Top 10 Online Jobs for Students to Pay for the Weekend

#1 – Blog and Content Writing

Blog and content writing can help you earn a steady paycheck by working as less as 2 hours a day. The best places to look for content writing jobs are Fiver and Upwork, wherein you can earn $10 to $25 for blog posts of a length of 1000 words. Guest blog posts on magazine websites can pay up to 450 per post but need high-quality and unique content submissions. 

There are 2 important tools to use when you embark on your journey as a blog and content writer. The first is Grammarly which checks your content for any spelling, and grammatical mistakes. The second is Copyscape which helps you ensure that you are delivering unique content that is free from plagiarism. While Grammarly has a free basic grammar and spelling check option, Copyscape is a paid tool but worth the investment. 

#2 - Virtual Assistant

The job of a virtual assistant can be that of managing a client’s schedule through his calendar, setting up meetings, organizing conference calls, and other office tasks, all of that can be done virtually. The best source to find legit virtual assistant jobs for students is to register on Fiverr and Upwork. Remember to build a strong portfolio and update your skills through the various checkboxes, before you start submitting proposals for jobs. 


The hourly pay for a virtual assistant job can range from $10 for a starter to $20 for an experienced assistant. The final pay rate that you are offered will depend on your expertise, the tasks assigned, and how well you can multitask. The job of a virtual assistant is also a great way to build the foundation of your resume especially if you want to add the acquired skillset for later on in your professional life.  

#3 – Freelance Web Designing

There are numerous jobs available online for freelancer web designers. Most of these jobs can easily be viewed and applied for on Fiverr and Upwork, however, some start-ups also accept direct applications through sites such as Indeed. The perks of being a freelance web designer are an hourly pay of up to $60 per hour, a flexible schedule, and a quick payment upon completion of each project. 

The job of a freelance web designer includes creating responsive web pages, dynamic web pages, and static websites while using both UX/UI platforms, coding techniques, and at times simpler user interface platforms. There are many tools and platforms that can be used to become a successful freelance web designer. Some of these platforms include Joomla Content Management System, and Python, C++, Java, WordPress, and WIX websites. 

To learn how to become a freelance web designer, visit Udemy, Coursera, and Center of Excellence which can give you real-life job skills, while you learn from home. The highlights of choosing these eLearning institutes, are that you get access to multiple training options from leading tutors online, and you can access the courses for up to a year, at times longer with a lifetime option for some websites. You also get access to competitively priced courses that may be on sale a few times a year, and you get certifications that are accredited and recognized. These certifications can be easily accessed from your account once you complete the course successfully, they can be used digitally and downloaded as well. 

#4 – Search Engine Evaluator

A Search Engine Evaluator’s job is to fill out user feedback forms for leading search engines. These feedback forms are used by Google, and Bing among other popular search websites, to improve both their algorithm and the user experience for end users. Such jobs take some learning and getting used to, but once you get a lay of the land, you can earn up to $15 an hour. You can work as per your own schedule and with complete flexibility. Being a Search Engine Evaluator doesn’t require you to be situated in any one fixed place, as this online job for students needs only a laptop and an internet connection. You can easily apply to be a part-time Search Engine Evaluator by contacting firms such as but not limited to Leap Force and Lion Bridge. 

Furthermore, you can also learn how to become an SEO expert, who uses a combination of tricks and tactics, for on-page and off-page optimization methods to list and index websites. The job of an SEO expert may also include analyzing data, working on META data, and using the acquired skills to help companies get higher search rankings in an organic manner. 

To become an SEO expert, start with doing your research and then enrolling for a training course offered online, through one of the many e-learning platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, and Center of Excellence. 

#5 – Text Flirting

The job of a text flirter is pretty straightforward and simple, especially if you like to text, are a natural at online communications, and are proficient at starting a conversation. These websites are not cam sites, they are usually not of an adult nature and they are not dating sites. The popular text flirting websites have a target client base of single, lonely people who need someone to chat with when they feel alone, and need someone to keep them company virtually. 

Most text flirting websites that offer part-time online jobs for students, require the applicants to be 21 years or older. The minimum requirement for these text flirting websites is 1000 texts a month, and the pay per text ranges from $0.06 to $0.09, with a minimum of 20 texts to be sent per day. Flirt Bucks is one of the many text flirting sites you can join if you meet the minimum requirements. 

Usually, women who join text flirting websites as representatives, are asked to follow certain safety guidelines and a code of conduct. These include do not share your personal contact information, do not share your bank information, and keep all communications through the text flirting website. These guidelines can help keep female representatives safe while they engage in online jobs for students to pay for weekend activities. 


#6 – Social Media Management

The main responsibilities of a Social Media Manager are to handle the content of brands, such as posting content, promoting content through paid and sponsored campaigns, and contacting influencers for partnerships. Clients may ask their Social Media Management team to reply to comments, redirect comments back to the company if there are signs of lead generation, and finally delete spam comments when the need arises. The job of a social media manager can be done remotely and through Upwork, Fiverr, and similar online work-from-home job websites. 

#7 – Part Time Online Recruitment

Working as an online recruiter for part-time jobs can give you steady pay as well. Such jobs can be done on a part-time basis for a few hours a week, and need you to work on a smartphone with calling and texting facilities. Moreover, many employers pay their current part-time and full-time staff members to refer their friends and family members to join their current workplace. A minimum duration for employment of referrals may be applicable in some situations. As a general rule, the more candidates that you refer, the more you can earn by doing this task for as less as 2 hours a day!

#8 – Online Tutor

Working as an online tutor is a work-from-home job for students that can pay up to $15 an hour per subject that you choose to tutor. Being an online tutor offers you flexible hours and an option to build your own schedule. To become an online tutor for subjects such as English, Math, Physics, Chemistry, and other popular middle school subjects, all you need is a thorough understanding of the content. For higher learning and specialized subjects such as web designing, digital marketing, and coding, you may need additional accreditation. These accreditations such as certificates can help you earn more and display your skillset to potential students. To get access to online accreditations that hold weight, you can complete courses at Udemy, Coursera, and Center of Excellence. 

To get access to online tutor work-from-home jobs, all you need to do is join sites such as Upwork, Fiverr, Indeed, Tutor, and Scooli. Depending on your free time, you can join one or more sites and make the most of imparting knowledge while earning to help others learn. 

#9 – Transcriptionist

The job of an online transcriptionist involves listening to audio recordings and typing the speech into a word document with great precision. Typically, anyone who has a typing speed of above 30 words per minute with an 85% accuracy rate can work as an online transcriptionist, however, using spell check is a must before you submit your work. Both Fiverr and Upwork have many such job listings. These jobs can be applied for by native English-speaking students who want to work from home part-time and earn a steady income. 

#10 – Online Influencer

While some jobs are tedious, others are a breeze, especially if you love what you do and get paid handsomely to do the task. The job of an online influencer for YouTube, Instagram, and other popular social media platforms, is indeed a glamorous one, especially if you have over a million online followers and can present yourself in a positive way. This job involves finding brands, posting and tagging brands while using their products, getting paid anywhere from $50 to $250 per post, and keeping the products that you are promoting. 

Companies such as Viral Nation and Wahler, often recruit social media online influencers above 21 years old and offer them great deals for sending out sponsored and tagged posts. 

Employee Review Websites That Work For Your Benefit

Before enrolling in a part-time job, checking the authenticity of the job is always a smart move, and this can be done through review websites such as Glass Door and Fairy God Boss. Both these websites offer true reviews posted by employees who are either working with companies or have moved on to greener pastures. The reviews, salary comparisons, and other information posted on these sites can help you understand the policies, and working environment for remote, online, and part-time weekend jobs.  

An interesting fact about the Fairy God Boss website is that this is a strong online community for women, who are seeking a first job or looking for a job change. This site is worthwhile to bookmark if you plan to seek full-time employment online or in an office after you graduate. 

Fiver, Upwork, and other remote working websites also have the option to check for client reviews, before you apply for any part-time online job. The highest-rated clients on these sites often pay well and pay quickly but expect a certain quality of work first. When in doubt, go for fixed-price escrow payments on Upwork and similar sites, as these protect you as part-time freelance work while you wait for the payment. 

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Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt

Chris is an ex Financial Consultant and avid discover in ways to save and spend money. Chris has been involved in finance since 2012 and has continues to provide information in traditional financial markets and cryptocurrency.

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